Monday, July 15, 2013

Identity Thieves Targeting ATMs? Do Something Now!

Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) are probably among the most widely used means when accessing bank accounts nowadays. And with millions of Americans relying on these machines for their immediate financial transaction needs, ATMs have also now become identity theft hot spots. 

So, how do you safeguard yourself from this imminent threat? Below are some bits of advice to arm yourself of:

  • Carefully choose the ATM to transact with. As much as possible, find teller machines that are situated in well secured areas. Some smart choices are those in high-traffic or hugely populated places or those in bank lobbies whose premises are closely guarded. Thieves will most likely find it harder to play their tricks in these locations.

  • Check for possible signs of tampering prior to using a teller machine. One commonly reported tactic that identity thieves use is attaching some kind of device to ATMs to steal information from your card. Watch out for damaged, loose, or odd-looking card slots or keypads which may indicate traces of tampering.

  • Be watchful of the people who are around you when transacting on an ATM. Someone who stands too close next to you or who attempts to peer over your shoulders while you are transacting is definitely suspicious. If you notice people who behave like these, opt not to pursue your transaction and transfer to another ATM instead.

Also, you may want to initiate a request for a free credit score to be able to keep track of your credit reports. In most cases, this is where primary evidences of identity theft would initially show up.

Most importantly, the best way to safeguard your identity is to employ an identity fraud detection service. This way, you will be assisted by knowing and experienced experts in fighting identity theft.

And to ensure that you seek help from people who can really deliver reliable results, make it a point to hire a qualified and well-referred identity fraud protection company.

At the end of the day, you should learn how to take charge when plagued by matters threatening your very own identity. So, investing in an identity protection program is the smartest action that you can take. 

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